
The NGO Academy network is working to achieve a positive impact on society day by day. Its members give impulses for progressive change. Here we want to share insights from the field as well as updates and inspiring stories.

What sets the NGO Academy apart is its genuine focus on relevance and interactivity. This isn't just another workshop. It's a space where NPO/NGO professionals come together to learn, collaborate, and find inspiration to overcome the challenges we face every day.

NGO Academy Member Story #12: About Inclusion

For our 12th Member Story, we had the pleasure of talking to two of our many extraordinary members: Dorottya Rédai and Iris Popescu. Both of them are publishers of books, which help to make our world more inclusive. Listen to the two short interviews on inclusive fairytales and inclusive architecture here.

TEDx Salon Donauinsel: Impact

On September 29, 2023, we were proud partners of the TEDx Donauinsel Salon Impact, an event featuring 10 TED Talks and 4 artistic performances. In this blog post, you can find the links to all videos!

Keynote: Boris Marte – Celebrating 10 Years of Impact

On the occasion of celebrating 10-years of NGO Academy, Boris Marte, CEO of ERSTE Foundation, delivered a keynote speech. He shared his personal story, reflecting on the importance of failure, creativity, and embracing vulnerability in his work. Watch the full video here.

NGO Academy Member Story #11: Mindful in 2024

For this eleventh Member Story, our first one in 2024, we put the spotlight on mindfulness and resilience. We asked two of our Members to share how they address mental well-being in their NGOs. Read all about it here!