
NGO Academy Member Story #11: Mindful in 2024

In the past few years we noticed an increased interest in our offers on mindfulness and mental wellbeing, a general and important trend in our busy world. For this eleventh Member Story, which is our first one in 2024, we want to put the spotlight on two of our Members who are both dealing with the topic in their own way.

The first one is Urška Jež, who works at City of Women (CoW) in Ljubljana. CoW organised one of our Community-Led Events last year, which was titled “Burnout Prevention in NGO Sector“. Further, Urška, who is enrolled in our MSc in Social Innovation and Management, writes her thesis on burnout prevention.

The second is Janja Trkulja, part of the Lesbian Organisation Rijeka (LORI), who, after participating in one of Erwin Glatters Regional Programme workshops on mindfulness and resilience, decided to implement new mindful practices into her organisation.

Click on the pictures below to read Urška’s story for scientific backgrounds on burnout, such as symptoms and how to act once they occur, or Janja’s story for insights on how implementing mindfulness into an NGO can look like… or even better: read both, it’s time well invested! 😉

The Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture City of Women gives visibility to innovative creations of women and gender non-conforming artists, theoreticians and activists from all over the world. It raises awareness about the disproportionate presence and representation of women in the arts and culture, and strives for their better working conditions. We support new works by womxn artists and other cultural workers from beginning to end: from pre-production to post-production. Regular feature of City of Women programmes are art projects with people from the local community, especially marginalised groups of women. Inspired by feminist and queer pedagogy, our teaching materials for pedagogues, activities and participatory art processes are designed for young people aged 12+ who want to reflect on the ways in which gender inequality affects their lives and the lives of others, and who want to act against sexism, homophobia and other forms of discrimination.
Lesbian Organisation Rijeka (LORI) was founded in 2000 with the aim to inform and sensibilize the public to accept LGBTIQ+ persons, to eradicate prejudice and homo/bi/transphobia, to eliminate discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression, to promote gender equality, the values of tolerance, pluralism, and real equality before the law and to empower the community.
The vision of LORI is to ensure a democratic civil society in which persons are not discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation and/or gender identity and expression; a society dominated by the values of non-violence, equality and acceptance of difference, which promotes the freedom of living and expressing one’s sexual and gender individuality.

About NGO Academy Member Stories

NGO Academy currently has more than 560 member organizations operating in 14 countries including Austria, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia. All these organizations are giving impulses for civil society and they are the heart and soul of the NGO Academy Network. Year after year, we see great social innovations and projects coming to live in NGO Academy Member organizations. With NGO Academy Member Stories, we want to open the floor to these projects, enable organizations to learn from each other and to connect our NGO Academy members.

You have a story for us as well? We’d love to hear it! You can submit it here or send us an e-mail directly to