
NGO Academy Member Story #13: Impact Measurement in Culture

Ekaterina Perventseva is a student of our MSc. Social Innovation and Management and recently wrote her thesis on impact measurement in the cultural field. She did her research on and in collaboration with the yearly happening ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival. Watch the video below to hear about Ekaterina’s findings on ImPulsTanz’ impact specifically and her conclusions on impact measurement in culture more generally.

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Impact doesn't solely originate from the festival activities that can be easily replicated but rather from an intricate network of intertwined relationships within the eco system.

About NGO Academy Member Stories

NGO Academy currently has more than 560 member organizations operating in 14 countries including Austria, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia. All these organizations are giving impulses for civil society and they are the heart and soul of the NGO Academy Network. Year after year, we see great social innovations and projects coming to live in NGO Academy Member organizations. With NGO Academy Member Stories, we want to open the floor to these projects, enable organizations to learn from each other and to connect our NGO Academy members.

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