
Celebrating 10 Years of NGO Academy

NGO Academy turned 10 this year – and we decided to celebrate that! On September 29, 2023, we invited to an afternoon and evening filled with impact, insights and joy.

The festivities were kicked off with the TEDx Donauinsel Salon IMPACT featuring captivating speakers from civil society organisations in CEE and beyond.  From endangered dolphins in the Adriatic Sea over eating an unpeeled onion for breakfast to the challenges and rewards of democratic governance, the talks covered a wide range of topics. All of this was accompanied by artistic performances and music.

Following the TEDx event, the festivities continued with the official celebration of our 10-year milestone. The importance of this anniversary went beyond just a decade of existence — it was a celebration of our member organizations who translate our offerings into real-world impact with impressive dedication. It was also a celebration of our faculty and coaches who generously share their invaluable knowledge and expertise with our network and of our project partners who were instrumental in making this initiative possible in the first place and in keeping it up an running since then. And of course of everyone else who helped NGO Academy grow into the amazing community it is today. 

Have a look at the pictures below to get a better impression of this day!

Photos: Igor Ripak